Build ON is a pre-arrival service funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. We provide specialized information and orientation about the Skilled Trades to newcomers approved to immigrate to Ontario, Canada. This blog is going to explore a wide range of topics relating to employment in Canada.

  • April 11, 2019

    Would you like to understand what is expected of you when you walk into your first Canadian interview? You’re in luck! This month’s blog post is all about interviews in Canada and how to prepare. From what to bring to an interview, what to be conscious of, and the importance of company research, this post has you covered!

  • March 14, 2019

    Welcome readers to the Build ON blog post: Tips on Writing a Canadian Resume! Resume writing is a challenge in the best of times. No matter what role you are applying for, it is essential to be aware of some fundamentals for an effective resume. Build ON wants to help by offering you some tips and tricks to help make your efforts successful! Using key words and the similar language as the job posting will show hiring managers that you fit their profiles. Making sure you have updated contact information, a summary of qualifications, quantifiable achievements, a simple and consistent formatting, and no typos are all great tips to make your resume stand out. Read on to learn more!

  • February 14, 2019

    Hello readers, this month in the Build ON blog we will be talking about Canada’s laws against discrimination regarding employment. If you are a minority, have a disability, are pregnant or have a unique situation that you feel might make it difficult to get employed this blog post is a must read for you. It gives you a brief overview of the Canadian Human Rights Act and how it protects the employee from being discriminated against and the Canadian Human Rights Commission and how they investigate employment complaints regarding discrimination.

  • January 14, 2019

    Happy New Year readers! Each new year in Canada usually comes with personal resolutions Here at Build On, we would like to provide you with tips to actually help you keep one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions. Focusing on financial goals is a major resolution for most Canadians and as a newcomer to Canada it is impossible to predict when you will find a desired job in your chosen field. Therefore, it is particularly important that you consider money management and organizing your budget even before you arrive. Check out this blog post for tips to help you as you start your Canadian financial journey.

  • December 14, 2018

    Welcome back readers! Today our blog post will be focusing on Canadian Workplace Culture and how to best integrate yourself into the Canadian workplace. Culture is an important subject, one that influences many aspects of our life, and often these cultural differences are underestimated. This blog entry will cover topics such as: communication, organizational culture, hard vs. soft skills, and some take-home tips to help ease your transition into the Canadian working world. Read on to learn more!