Welcome to all thing’s construction in Ontario! Whether you're a seasoned professional, or someone considering a career in this dynamic field, we are here to guide you through the diverse landscape of Ontario's construction industry.

This webpage aims to help you:
  • Understand the various facets of construction in Ontario, from its diverse trades and career paths. 
  •  Navigate resources and organizations relevant to different segments of the industry.
  •  Gain insights into current trends, challenges, and opportunities shaping the future of construction in Ontario.

Construction is more than just bricks and mortar; it's the foundation of our communities. In Ontario, it is a Major Economic Driver, contributing over 7% to the province's GDP and employing over 500,000 individuals. It is responsible for building and maintaining our roads, bridges, healthcare facilities, and residential spaces; and leads the way in sustainable practices, new technologies, and skilled labor initiatives. The construction industry offers diverse Career Opportunities, offering rewarding and well-paying jobs for tradespeople, engineers, project managers, and many more.
Get ready to explore the world of construction in Ontario – let's build ON to a brighter future together!

Please note that the information provided on this website is for general informational purposes only and may not represent the most current data as of August 2024. In any case where information on this website conflicts with that provided by the regulating body, the regulating body is always considered the authority.