Build ON is a pre-arrival service funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. We provide specialized information and orientation about the Skilled Trades to newcomers approved to immigrate to Ontario, Canada. This blog is going to explore a wide range of topics relating to employment in Canada.

  • July 30, 2020

    Programs like BCCA-Integrating Newcomers (BCCA-IN) are now funded to provide FREE pre-arrival employment information, resources and career counselling so that newcomers have the knowledge and power to build effective strategies for their job search before setting foot on Canadian soil. In order to start working towards a successful career in Canada it is important that you are aware of the services available to help ease your integration into your new country. Read this blog post for information on how a program like BCCA-IN will be useful for your job search efforts in Canada.  

  • June 25, 2020

    Permanent residence is a coveted immigration status that allows a newcomer to build a new life in Canada and eventually apply for citizenship. Read on for an overview of the rights and duties that comes with it!

  • May 28, 2020

    Hello readers! This month in the Build ON blog we will be discussing the Importance of Writing a Great and Effective Cover Letter. If you are a person looking for techniques on how to make your cover letter a successful one, look no further. This month’s blog takes you through step by step in ensuring that your cover letter sets you apart from the rest of the crowd. 

  • April 30, 2020

    Hello Readers, hope you are staying safe. The blog post for this month focuses on the newcomer experiences of a former client of Build ON to provide some kind of context about what to expect once you land in Canada. The questions asked reflect some of the most frequently asked questions Build ON consultants receive from clients and it provides answers directly from someone who has gone through the process. Read this blog post for insight on the newcomer experience  

  • March 27, 2020

    Build ON is business as usual, but understandably many post-arrival services have halted their services to protect everyone against COVID-19. The YMCA-YWCA of the National Capital Region's Newcomer Information Center’s (NIC) physical office has been temporarily closed. However they continue to offer services by phone and email, and provide individual and group session webinars for all newcomers to Canada. They provide free information and referral services to help find everything needed to settle into a new life in Canada, as well as assistance with immigration matters. Read this blog post for more information.