Working in Ontario

Ontario is a beautiful province found in Eastern Canada. Not only is it rich in culture, heritage, and diversity, it is also rich in its Skilled Trade, Engineering and Construction sectors. For a tradesperson or internationally trained engineering graduate preparing to immigrate to Ontario, there are many opportunities for work; but where to find these opportunities can vary. Depending on your background, you may find more opportunity in one geographical region as opposed to another. Informing yourself today, about Ontario’s diverse work environment, will help you understand:

With Ontario being such a large province, it’s helpful to have some guidance as to where to find employment. Industries and markets are continuously changing; meaning that demand for one type of job can vary over time. Depending on your background, you may have more success in one community instead of another. Having some understanding of this will:  

Choosing Ontario as your new home is a wise decision. Ontario has a long history of immigration, with many newcomers now working in their desired field. But before arriving, preparing yourself for work in the Ontario Skilled Trades, Engineering and Construction sectors takes some time and consideration.  Preparing yourself now will:

  • Help you make the right decision for your employment goals
  • Help you be ready to work in your desired profession
  • Help you secure future employment opportunities

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