Build ON is a pre-arrival service funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. We provide specialized information and orientation about the Skilled Trades to newcomers approved to immigrate to Ontario, Canada. This blog is going to explore a wide range of topics relating to employment in Canada.

  • November 15, 2018

    Hi readers! In this entry blog, we will exclusively focus on how to use social media, especially LinkedIn as a part of your job searching strategy. For some of you this may seem like strange territory; for many others it is a concept that you are familiar with. If you are wondering whether it is important to have a LinkedIn account as a job seeker in Canada this is the blog post for you. Build ON employment consultants are also able to guide you through this process. If you are new to this adventure and you want to know what the key elements of a LinkedIn page are, read this blog post to learn more about how to use social media platforms like LinkedIn to optimize your job search.

  • October 15, 2018

    Hi Readers! There is one universal fact about finding a job: there is no magic recipe for finding employment. In this blog entry, we will outline some of the top strategies essential for finding a job. For job seekers, it is critical to follow labour market events, learn about the “hidden job market” and several other nuances unique to finding a job in Canada. Here at Build ON we provide our clients with information about the labour market, job search strategies, interview preparation, resume writing and much more. Read this blog post to learn more about job search strategies unique to the Canadian labour market.

  • September 13, 2018

    Hi Readers, Welcome to the Build ON blog. This blog post explores the mentor-mentee relationship and outlines what a mentee benefits from the mentorship process. When it comes to career mentorship, a local mentor can offer guidance and support with respect to: developing career objectives; explaining Canadian workplace language, culture, and etiquette; providing employment research and engagement strategies in his or her industry; directing the mentee towards the most effective networking opportunities; supporting the mentee in the application process; and most importantly a mentee has a chance to gain valuable insights about the specific profession from an ‘insider’. Read this blog post to learn more about why the mentorship process will be invaluable to your integration.

  • August 14, 2018

    Hi Readers! Welcome to the Build On blog! Build ON is a pre-arrival service for people who are planning their lives in Canada. The program is free and is accessible to people who are currently located outside of Canada, and have been accepted to come to Canada as permanent residents. Registering with Build ON comes with a lot of perks. The Build ON team is specialized in the skilled trades and can help you with everything trade-related! Your Employment Consultant will provide you with personalized services based off of the conversations during your consultation session. Read the blog post to learn more.