By Taylor Villeneuve, Build ON Employment Consultant

Moving to a new country can be overwhelming, however Build ON is here to help mitigate the stressors associated with immigration. We are here to share with you our lived experiences of moving to Canada, and how utilizing volunteering, mentorship, post-arrival services, and upskilling can help you successfully integrate into the job market and your new community. This blog sheds light into the importance of taking advantage of the many resources available for newcomers in Canada, and how they can help your Canadian job search.
Meet Christina, Build ON’s very own Program Coordinator.
“My journey to Canada began 7 years ago when I moved to Canada from Michigan, USA. At the time, I was unaware of pre-arrival services, which would have greatly helped me prepare for my transition. After settling in Ottawa, I discovered a variety of post-arrival services available in the region. I actively participated in workshops, interview prep sessions, and networking events to build my new network in the city. Through one of these programs, I learned about my current role with Build ON. This opportunity was part of the hidden job market, as the position wasn't publicly posted. An employment consultant from the organization sent me the job listing, and after expressing my interest, they forwarded my resume and cover letter. A few days later, I was invited for an interview.
One of the most impactful post-arrival services I utilized was the mentorship program at OCISO. I was paired with a mentor who worked at a non-profit organization. Their practical advice and support boosted my confidence and helped me pursue my goals, making me feel more at home. My mentor also assisted me in preparing for interviews, enabling me to navigate challenges and seize opportunities I might have otherwise missed.”
As we can see post arrival services were a tremendous support to Christina, particularly the OCISO Mentorship (OCISO also offers pre-arrival mentorship with Build ON). Additionally, by prioritizing building her professional network, Christina was able to access the hidden job market. Take a look at our webinars and workshops and connect with your employment consultant to further understand how to access the hidden job market for yourself!
Now, lets take a look at another one of Build ON’s Employment Consultant’s experience, Masuma, on immigrating to Canada from Afghanistan.
               “During my time in Canada, I’ve learned the importance of resilience and adaptability. The Canadian job market is competitive, and understanding the nuances of Canadian workplace culture was crucial. Networking is essential; connecting with professionals in your field can open many doors. Also, I’ve realized the value of continuous learning and professional development to stay updated with industry trends.
I wish I had known more about the various newcomer services available before arriving. Programs like Build ON, settlement services, and community organizations provide immense support, and knowing about them earlier could have eased my transition. Additionally, understanding the significance of Canadian work experience and how volunteering can bridge that gap would have been beneficial from the start.
Volunteering played a significant part in my journey. It not only gave me valuable Canadian experience but also expanded my professional network, eventually leading to my current employment. Volunteering at local cultural events and festivals around Ottawa allowed me to meet people from diverse backgrounds and learn about different cultures. Through networking during volunteering opportunities at various locations, which included volunteering at the YMCA, this eventually led to my role at Build ON, where I now assist other newcomers in their employment journey.”
Volunteering played a key role in Masuma’s Canadian experience. Likewise, volunteering can help you find potential job opportunities. Take time to research companies that offer volunteering opportunities related to your skills and experience- such as at schools, non-profits, and city wide festivals and events. Volunteer positions can also act as a Canadian work reference for you during future job interviews.
In addition, our newest Employment Consultant, Divine, will be sharing her experience about immigrating to Canada from Rwanda.
“As I landed in Halifax, the cold winter air hit me as I stepped off the plane, a complete difference to the hot climate I was used to back home in Rwanda.
Cultural differences, language barriers, and finding a job in Canada as a newcomer can be challenging especially if you do not have a strong network or work experience in the country. The job market can also be competitive and one may have to undergo additional training or certification to find suitable employment. Accessing healthcare and social services was a challenge due to lack of familiarity with the system and eligibility requirements. I faced difficulties navigating the healthcare system and finding providers who speak my language or understand my cultural background.
I wish I knew about Community centers, Mentoring services, settlement services, networking events and Career development providers during that period. One thing that I learnt was Job search strategies. This includes crafting a Canadian standard resume and cover letter, using job search websites and recruitment agencies, and preparing for interviews. By learning and adapting you can enhance your professional integration and career success in Canada.
I decided to upskill myself by pursuing a diploma in Immigration Law Case Management. Towards the end of my studies I found a great placement for an internship opportunity at YMCA. I gained a lot of knowledge while interning such as different programs, services offered and built connections with the company. As luck would have it, towards the end of my internship, a position opened up for pre-arrival employment services at the YMCA with Build on. Encouraged by the experiences and skills I had gained during my internship, I decided to apply. This was a full circle moment and such a great opportunity to be able to provide service that I needed during my experience here as a newcomer.”
Divine is a perfect example of how deciding to upskill her professional skills by going back to school benefited her greatly. Not only did she gain social connections, but she also had the opportunity to take part in an internship here at the YMCA, which led her to her current role at Build ON. Internships are one of the most valuable reasons newcomers decide to enroll in college education. Another key component in Divine’s journey was the cultural shift as well as the climate shift she experienced. Making sure your prepared for Canadian winters is a huge component of a smooth integration.
Our Build ON team is a perfect example of how utilizing resources and services that are available to newcomers can truly help pave the way towards success. Coming directly from lived experiences, Build ON is here to help you successfully transition into your new Canadian life!