Build ON is a pre-arrival service funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. We provide specialized information and orientation about the Skilled Trades to newcomers approved to immigrate to Ontario, Canada. This blog is going to explore a wide range of topics relating to employment in Canada.

  • June 29, 2022
    As mentioned in part 1 of this series, Canada is a country well-known for accepting high numbers of immigrants. However, most settle in large cities. Find out about more of the efforts being undertaken by small cities and rural areas to create a welcoming space for new immigrants, including Creating an environment where residents are open to new ideas, customs and embrace diversity within the community, acknowledging and appreciating newcomers’ contributions, and Welcoming newcomers in policy decision making. Read on for part 2 of the series.
  • May 27, 2022
    The government of Canada have noted that the immigration systems were set up in such a way that vast majority of new immigrants were choosing to live in major cities. Find out the various ways that Small cities and rural towns in Canada are wooing new immigrants. Read on for this first part of a two-part series to find out the various efforts through programs such as the Provincial Nomination programs, settlement services, and more.
  • April 28, 2022
    Having learned many important things about Canada before and after her move, Esther shares 6 surprising things she's experienced since arriving to Canada. Learn more about these surprising things about the weather, food, support for new immigrants, client services, inclusivity and diversity, and driving by reading this month's blog. Enjoy!
  • March 31, 2022
    If you are in the process of immigrating to Canada, the odds are that you'll need to complete a language assessment at some point. Currently two English language tests are accepted by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada. We invited Prometric to explain more about the CELPIP English language test and provide us with resources. Read on to find out if it’s for you!
  • February 24, 2022
    Moving to a new country isn’t easy. Here are some things that newcomers and career transitioners would have wanted to know beforehand. Read on to find out more