*Required fields


Step 1 - Eligibility

Build ON can help you prepare for your arrival in Ontario before you leave your home country. Please provide us with the information below so that we can offer you this free service funded by the government of Canada.

* Have you been approved to immigrate to Canada?

* Please select an answer

* Are you currently living outside of Canada?

* Please select an answer

* I confirm consent for my information to be used for future research and consultation

* Please select an answer


* Without giving consent you cannot proceed to the next registration step

By clicking above, you are acknowledging that you are in agreement with our privacy policy and authorize Build ON employees to exchange information, when deemed necessary, in order to provide you with the best possible employment and career services.

Open modal

The information provided does not match the eligibility criteria required to receive Build ON services.

Step 2 - Account Information

In order to provide you with the best possible service, please provide us with some basic information about yourself. This information is collected on behalf of our funder, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (Government of Canada).

* Please enter a first name

* Please enter a last name

If you cannot find your country in the list below, please search for its official name, such as 'Federal Republic of Germany', 'People's Republic of Benin', or 'Federal Republic of Cameroon'. Alternatively, if your country is not in our list, you can select 'Other' and manually enter your country.

* Please select a country

* Please enter a country

This information will not be saved on our website and will only be used for the purpose of registration.

Find your UCI number

UCI stands for “unique client identifier”. It is also known as a client identification number (client ID). It appears on official documents you get from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Your UCI number must be valid to participate in the Build ON Program.

* Please enter a valid unique client identifier number.

* Please enter an email

Please select the following day, month and year that matches your date of birth from the below:

* Please enter a birth date. You must use the format provided, including slashes: (MM/DD/YYYY).

Please create a log in and password in order for you to use your dashboard on the Build ON website

* Please enter a username

Password must be at least 6 characters long and contain one non-number or non-letter (e.g. @,#,$,%, etc.)

* Please enter a valid password

Step 3 - Further Details

Please provide us with the following Information to allow us to best prepare for a consultation between you and our Employment Consultants. Required fields of information are collected on behalf of the Government of Canada.

* Preferred Language of Service:

* Please select an answer

Please select the following day, month and year that matches your anticipated date of arrival from the below. If you do not know, please check “Unknown”:

* Please provide an answer. Can say unknown if unsure.

* Please select a destination

* Please enter a destination

* Please select a reason.

* Please select your proof of eligibility:

* Please select an answer

Upload proof of eligibility: By uploading your documents, Build ON can validate that you are eligible for our program. These documents are kept private and confidential through a secure and encrypted method.

Please provide a document that includes your unique client identifier (UCI) number. If you do not upload a document with your UCI, this may cause a delay in services.

Upload up to 4 files. Max. file size: 5 MB.

* Please upload a file.

* Max. File size: 5 MB

Gender identity:

* Please select an answer

Preferred Communication Method Please read the Safety & Privacy Recommendations for Online Communication

* Please select a method.

* Please provide an account name.

Note: Build ON will contact you using the email address provided in Step 2.

* Please select how you heard about us

Please add your National Occupational Classification (NOC) Code or a current/past job title. This information will help us better serve you.
Upload Resume Upload your resume, cover letter, or any other pertinent employment document. These documents are kept private and confidential through an encrypted method.

This step is optional and will not prevent you from submitting your registration. Our Program Coordinator will follow up with you regarding your resume, if not submitted during registration.

Upload up to 4 files. Max. file size: 5 MB

* Max. File size: 5 MB

Please rate your level of agreement with the following statement:
"I am considering working in Skilled Trades when I arrive in Canada."
Please note that your answer does not have any impact on your eligibility for Build ON Service. To learn more, read What Are the Skilled Trades.
Consent Policy

* BuildON.Form.Validation.WithoutConsentPolicy